It has been more than a month…

Since I last wrote anything here. Things have been sort of strange. I picked up a new client (which is awesome) and have been pretty busy with design work, even though all of my other clients have had to buckle down and curtail their spending. Plus it has been hot as balls in southern ontario this summer, and we’ve spent many, many hours outside swimming and tending to the farm crops. So much weeding. I am sick to death of weeds. But on the plus side, we’ve made pickles and fresh relish, so Go! Team!

Have a wooden screen door on my work bench, and a few bowls or a vase on the lathe to do before Christmas. Fall is just around the corner, and that brings it’s own wheel barrow full of problems and technical issues we need to solve to stay COVID-19 free. Laundry/showering/disinfecting my school ahed child and teacher wife. We’ve been problem free due to physical distancing, but now that is no longer an option. Lots of lost sleep and stressing as a result.

I hope to be able to write a few more short stories before years end, but I’ll wait until I have something to say, or a new facet to explore in my pre-existing sci-fi universe. Maybe a turn at horror, or all out action, or a real think piece. No idea. Haven’t drawn a single page of my children’s book, but again, not concerned about it at this point.

Perhaps the fall will bring some old clients back into the fold with paid work, or they’ll ramp up in early first quarter of 2021.