Looking for a catchy title.

Something that will really grab, and hold a persons attention. Salacious or pithy, not particularly witty, but something that will get the people going. My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps and what not. Shout out to George Wallace, the king of “and what not”. Funny guy. Love him on Twitter (x). So what kind of a title should I pick? A long winded one that spells out exactly what is to come? Or something vague, or better yet – mysterious. Ooh. But it should also not be too click bait(y) as that turns people off now. Or do you treat it like a film with a ten minute pre roll and then BAM! Post the title a paragraph or two in, and just let it lie there like a cats sick up in your bed. Surprise titling! You could try to spell it out using the very first letter of each subsequent sentence! Hidden messages – ooh! That’s sneaky. I don’t know. I could pilfer part of some song lyrics. Use a famous quote but bastardize it. Purposefully use a spelling error to draw people in, or to turn a certain group away. A misdirect! So good.

Today is Thursday August 31st, 2023. The last day of August. Summer holidays is just about fine. Breathing it’s last sputtering breathes this holiday long weekend. To think that by Tuesday all of this wonderous summer will be just a memory. Some good, some great, and a few that are heart breakingly miserable. Ope! Can’t let the eyes get glossy. Moving on.

Still hoping to get out to a theater to watch Oppenheimer or TMNT Mutant Mayhem. Either or would be fine by me. Although the animated one is far less of a time commitment at this point. Reading “American Prometheus ” is quelling my need to rush out and see it. With my guts, a home viewing is preferential. All the bathroom breaks I could ever need, and free food & snacks. That and I can take as long as I need to watch it. I can rewind parts, and used closed captions incase I can’t hear what they are saying well enough. If I get a bigger tv, and a much better sound system, we’d never need to go anywhere for a movie ever again. Excepting for 3D films or the iMax experience. Hard to replicate those at home.

Hard to believe looking back that the whole family would gather in the family room to watch a movie on a 27 inch or small crtv, bulged screen in like a 4:3 aspect ratio. I feel like we’ve all gotten altogether too comfortable with 55″ or larger, screens for our homes. So weird. How times have changed. Anyway, best get back to work. Ciao Bella!

Best laid plans and all that claptrap.

Try as you might you just can’t outrun other people’s effects upon your own life. Currently in a holding pattern with several hours of a drive left to go while I tackle a professional hiccup in our plans. Weather is cool and dreary so not the worst timing for something to happen. Could always be much, much worse. So take it in stride, do your hardest to set everything smoothly back into forward progression, and carry on. Life of a freelancer! Never said it wasn’t exciting!

I think it’s Wedneaday today. So Hump-Day, Middle of the Week Day! You are almost through it at this point. Good on ya!

Next week school starts up again. And the temperatures are to go through the roof! Oh what timing! I’ll be picking up cherry red tomatoes from school each day. Ha. With cranky tantrums to follow I’d wager.

Take care out there. Ciao Bella!

Answering that eternal question: What should I have for breakfast.

A cooked breakfast feels too heavy for me today. The fridge was on the blink for several days, so I no longer trust the quality of our eggs or bacon, for safeties sake. I don’t have any non sugar filled cereal on hand, just the kids stuff which does me no good. I’m not keen on oatmeal. I have to be craving it, and have fresh mixed berries on hand, the right kind of syrup, and cinnamon or brown sugar too. I know, I can get pucky, and finicky. I also don’t feel like toast, or a bagel either. As I don’t trust the eggs that means that both pancakes, and waffles are out too. Perhaps just a glass of juice, and some of the kids Bear Paws. Decisions, decisions, everywhere I turn we have to make decisions.

Had what felt to be a pretty decent fair advertising meeting last night. Got some useful feedback on the posters and road signs. Criticisms that were actionable, and that I can put into motion. Getting very close to fair time. One month to go. I have my item of mixed media & painted ceramics ready to go into the crafts section. One of my joys is having a one of a kind sculpted and painted item on display at the fair. This will be the first year that I’ll have had an airbrushed sculpture on display. Very excited. I am going to go with my Ogre Rogue bust.

The finished Ogre Rogue bust sculpture.

I’m sure to post more about the Makham Fair as it approaches. But right now my main focus is getting these kids prepped to return to school. That means double checking indoor and outdoor shoes. Coats, hats, and boots. Finding working back packs. Cleaning lunch boxes. Cleaning water bottles. Sorting out pencil cases and all that in class gear. Grocery shopping for lunch materials. Luckily the extra curriculars don’t kick in for a week or two more. If every other year behind us is any indication, I foresee two to three weeks of tantrums about getting up and going to school. Hating lunches regardless of what is or isn’t prepared. Hating any homework that has been given. On and on. Until the Fair arrives, and then Thanksgiving. Magically after that with the wind up to Halloween and then Christmas school becomes less of an issue. Throw in a few birthdays, snow storms, traveling and pumpkin carving, and we will hit 2024 in a blur of activity.

Today is Tuesday, which means recycling, and this is our week for garbage collection too. Best get our junk out to the curb. Ciao Bella!

Watching the new slate of consoles pass me by.

I am still heartily enjoying my Xbox 360, so have missed the Xbox One, Playstations 3, 4, and 5. I see the graphics get exponentially better, but the gameplay doesn’t seem to do anything for me. I liked in the room Co-OP as a kid, but am not the least bit drawn to online multiplayer, so the bulk of the last 10-15 years worth of gaming has whizzed by me without a care in the world. I’m not the demographic they are after. No problem. I do look longingly as things like the Nintendo Switch that still builds platformers, and single player self contained campaigns that don’t need DLC. I’m old now. I want the whole finished product in my hand at the time of purchase. The Switch lite is calling out to me. Just a little bit. But I know if I get one I’ll either spend just about every waking hour with it to the detriment of everything else in my life, or I’ll use it two or three times and put it away, where the batteries will corrode and ruin the whole thing inside of 18 months. There is no inbetween. I used to lose days at a time with Fable (1, 2 & 3), Diablo 3, Space Marines 40K, and a couple others. Having kids meant putting that stuff to bed so as not to be neglectful. But now my oldest is nearing double digits in age, I think the tech draw might make a come back. I just don’t know about the nearly $1,000.00 price tag for the unit, additional controllers, and an early stable of games to play. Disks and not downloads either. We can see the shenanigans going on with streaming, no way that Ish doesn’t burn the gamer crowd too. So physical media it will have to be.

I miss the old school platformer type games. I did enjoy Halo as a run & gun fps, but now it seems like everything is a sand box, or open world, or requires 100 hours to git güd.  I’m not about that – son. I want to flow in, flow out of a saved game with ease, and not need to manage overly complicated skill trees, inventories, maps, directions, mission details and what not. I want to move from the left side of the screen to the right, bounce, jump, punch, or kick some shit, and carry on as the screen scrolls forward a bit. Like old school TMNT, or Double Dragon, or Fists of fury, Alex kid in shinobi world, pac man. Simple but fun. That’s not to say that I won’t enjoy a brief foray into something more complicated. I just know that if/when I do, I may get too distracted by it.

Oh well. Those are my Monday morning musings for today. Are you all looking forward to week nine of the summer break? Wow huh. Time flies! Although this one is just a little longer with the holiday Monday next week. What a strange, long, and short summer it has been. Work was consistent this summer. And I feel like there will be a good amount of projects coming in the fall aswell from other clients to finish the year strong. I don’t have any foresight into 2024 as of yet. But I feel as though this year will likely have been just as strong as 2022. Which is terrific. Amazing even.

Never did get out to see Oppenheimer,  but I am reading “American Prometheus” upon which it was based, so that’s cool. Long form, indepth, and as nuanced as one could make it, I suppose. It’s good. I’m enjoying it. The question of his CP (Communist Party) affiliations takes up much of the beginning of the book. Sympathetic to the cause, certainly, an on the books die-hard member? I should think not. I’m interested in the time spent at Los Alamos. Those few years are what I’m interested in reading more about. The demon core tragedy took place at that time too. I read Robert J Sawyers Oppenheimer alternate history book last year and it was a fantastic read too. Very interesting. The whole physics, chemistry, & math wizz thing goes right over my head. But it’s interesting to see how others, much smarter than myself, synthesize, and iterate answers to such complex problems. By all accounts Oppenheimer was a great ideas man, not so good on the detailed follow through. I love that. Fascinating. To be able to understand the big picture well enough to know things will work, but not know those finer details down to the third decimal place, is astounding. Incredible. Like I said, those folks are much smarter than i am.

Was thinking of taking my oldest to see Barbie but that didn’t materialize. Then I had hoped to see the new animated TMNT movie with both kids in tow. But the youngest has expressed zero interest in the franchise, nor the ability to sit through 90 minutes of a movie she’s never seen before. Given how expensive everything is I don’t fancy spending almost $100.00 but for three 3D tickets plus food & snacks for her to NOT watch the film, or negatively impact the viewing experience for my eldest daughter or myself. Not cool. So now we wait for Bluray/DVD to get released and we can sit and watch it over and over on multiple occasions. I’m good with that.

All the best out there. Ciao Bella!

Dinosaurs Train Tour.

Currently riding the Dino Train Tour out of Uxbridge. Listening to the Jurassic Park sound track on a near constant repeat, watching animatronic dinosaurs roar, and sway. Kids are in their element. I feel a tad motion sick due to the rhythmic swaying of this old fashioned train car. Glorious lazy Sunday morning. Sunny, blue sky, and a cool brisk breeze. Perfect weather for shorts and a hoodie.

Getting a little hotter as we fall further into the day. Saw a small turtle, a tiny snake, a larger snake (boa) and then J Rex the walking, talking, interactive dinosaur. Kids had fun. There was talk of a bouncy castle, but we didn’t see one. Pricey for what was there, glad we went though.

Divisive fact: House rules on games beat what’s listed on/in the box.

I say this because some of y’all been creating bloated over designed games that rely on a massive text book sized set of rules that impedes the fun we are trying to have. So if I should trim those rules down, or eliminate some clunky mechanics that’s a plus in my book. Why slavishly hold to the printed word if those words are either unclear, overly complicated, drag on the flow of the game, or are just upsettingly idiotic. So, now we have House Rules, and those outweigh the printed rules around here. Provided – he says. We all agree on them prior to playing. Can’t just be out here changing the rules on the fly. Unless! You all encounter a game crashing/ending bug that you all refuse to accept and can negotiate a new addendum rule to alleviate the issue. So that’s my thought on that. Like – the makers of Uno have these wild thoughts about what you can play after certain cards are dropped, and we say – yeah fuck that noise, we be about our own rules here my friend. +4’s on +4’s, as many +2’s as you have in your hand can be played at once, and if you get the smack down laid upon you, you gather your new horde of cards, and still get a turn to play card(s) if you have the number, colour, face card to do so, or else you pick up a card and the turn moves on. Don’t at me, I said what I said.

Pretty sure today is Saturday. Looks lovely outside, with the sunshine, blue skies, and reduced humidity. I need to bag up some wind blown apples for my friends horses this weekend. Best to clear them out before the wasps all settle in. They, the wasps that is, get so aggressive in late August and September.  Make the apple/pear trees a real hazard to have near by.

Once again I didn’t spend as much time utilizing our back patio as I would have liked. But since we go to the cottage several times a year, I sit looking out on the lake as opposed to the giant cedar hedge we have here. So not a downgrade, but it seems sad we don’t sit outdoors here much when we have the deck, stone patio, and a reasonably private space to be in with shade/sun, and breezes. I think our house would be better if the massive front & side yards were our actual back yard space. But it is what it is.

I was just interrupted by a massive Caterpillar crawling out from under the dishwasher across my kitchen floor. Beige-green in colour with a few long black spikes. How oddly random is that. I’ve gone ahead and scooped it up into a Tupperware container and put it outside on the deck. Where on earth would that have come from? Do we have gaps that lead in from outside under the counter/sink/dish washer? Is this a sign of some other expensive issue? I just can’t wait to find out.

Fridge is slowly heating up once again, but not icing over in the freezer portion, so that’s new, as far as the malfunctioning fridge sags goes. New water softener still isn’t right, but kind of works. Water heater was fixed with a new overflow valve, so that’s a check in the win column. Fun times.

My how the turns have tabled, and other such goofs. The Regrettable Episode #619

So that writers strike is still going strong, which means we will likely not see Dune Part Two until sometime in 2024. But, I have to side with the union folks here. When something like near 80% of working actors don’t make 26k a year to reach the minimum for health insurance, but like nine people at the top clear hundreds of millions – you’ve got a problem. In general I’d tell people to unionize wherever possible. BUT, you have to keep those internal union positions working for the good of the worker(s) and not for shmoozing to make themselves an entrenched benefactor. Once those higher ups get a taste of the power, perks, and prestige the union starts to get a bit shit. Why the teachers unions didn’t fight for better air quality, ventilation, higher quality masking, is beyond me. But that’s a different argument all together, so I digress. I have been a part of a few unions at college/university, and working in print media, and they always did right by me. I can’t complain. If you are in a position to join one, I’d do so, regardless of union dues. That small pinch will pay vast dividends in the end.

So no new shows come September either, not unless the studios have a bunch in the can to release. But that also means no press tours, or junkets to drum up excitement for such properties either. Going to be a cold fall with reruns, and unscripted reality tv, or winged & off the cuff late night tv. We all remember Conan spinning his wedding ring to fill time on his show during the last strike. And how awful the big reveals on the show Bones became during that writers strike. Think, like Season Eight of Game of Thrones quality, but for every show that once had complex, intricate plot lines. All smashed with a hammer, and dumbed down into nonsense. It was as if Ben Shapiro scripted everything single handedly into the stupidest ending possible.

I was up a bit later than usual last night doing some last minute mock-ups and renders, so I feel a little slow this morning. The temperature is supposed to get up to 35°C with humidity today, so we may try to spend as much time as possible in our in-laws pool. So have a great Friday. Enjoy your weekend. Ciao Bella!

Big Feelings – Tiny Little Baby Bodies.

How do these furious & wild mood swings emanate from such small children seemingly from out of the ether? These two kids man. Woah! It’s like magic with these two. Pulling on endless streams of angst, anger, and histrionics. Not sure whether it’s all coming from frustration with video games, or the looming start of school, the end of summer, growth spurts, sibling rivalry or what. But it is here, and it is fierce. These two have a seemingly endless supply of “MOOD” to attack each other with. Enough  “BIG FEELINGS” to weight down an air craft carrier. Pray for us.

Here I was just 24 hours ago lamenting how quiet the house was without them, and now their frustrations, and anguish echoes off of every surface. It rings in my ears, rather literally once they manage to reach the fevered pitch of a tea kettle whistling indiscriminately. Did I miss their presence & smiles, and warmth of the heart. Yes. Do I miss the furious fighting? Yeah – not so much. My oldest, with less than ten days to go, has finally discovered the joy of sleeping in, but I’ll have to squash that in favour of waking up before 7am for school. Ha. One new set of issues to add into the mix come September. Glad for the hugs and good night kisses, could give the fighting a miss though.

So here we find ourselves once again, Thursday. With appointments to get to, errands to run, work to finish up, and an approvals process to observe. I think we are to have a few more days of rain, and if not rain then atleast overcast and cloudy. Temperatures more like mid to late September, than the dog days of summer like we are used to. Not that I miss the extremely hot stifling heat with no breezes that usually accompany the last days of August in southern Ontario. Perhaps we will once again wind up with a hotter November / December and on into January, with a wet cold October, and frigid February. Weird way to run things, but out of my control.

Hard to believe that we are almost into the ninth and final week of summer break. I feel as though we should be able to redo the two weeks in the middle, you know? I know we can’t, but that’s how it feels. Perhaps I over reacted by going and running a fundraiser to cover for being sad and upset. It certainly worked as a coping mechanism to get beyond the sadness I felt. Made it so I could sleep at night. Probably one of the more selfish things I’ve done in the face of emotional upheaval. Feeding on thanks & gratitude rather than wallowing in any sort of grief beyond the initial shock from the Monday night. Not a great quality, admittedly. But here we are.

I need to get a jump on a poster series for the upcoming Markham Fair 2023 at the end of September and very early October. So I best be about my business. Ciao Bella!

Home Alone – watching movies, reading, and working.

Not necessarily in that order, but while the girls are all away for a bit this week, I tackled some minor cleaning, and watched some pretty violent movies at a reasonable hour. John Wick 4 was yesterday evenings attraction. Not a bad entry in the pantheon on Gun-Fu flicks. I liked it better than number three. But the first one is still the best. Sad to know now how the actor whom played The Concierge is actually dead, so no Continental Hotel of New York spinoff money for that guy. Too bad. Incredibly bad timing. But maybe they centre that set of stories around Winston The Manager now instead. Not sure how they’d do that. Writers strike will have to put a pin in it for now anyway.

I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World again on Monday night. Not really appropriate for the kids either, but less violent, sort of. No guns, but swords and fighting play a big role. So best to wait a few more years before I share that movie with either of them. I saw GOTG Vol 3 on my phone the day it came to digital, so I don’t need to rush to watch the Bluray. I’d like to share it with my wife, she sort of liked the first two anyway. Though, now we have this massively bloated roster of tv shows, specials, and other films in the universe that you have to have some (minor) understanding of, to enjoy the transition between movies 1 & 2, and the huge gap prior to movie 3. It certainly doesn’t play as an interlinked trilogy. Which spoils the overall flow just a little bit. Little bit. Little bit, you know? It feels as though someone cut out three hours of exposition between 2 & 3. Which they did. They smeared it over a bunch of other ‘content’, in hopes you’d watch that other stuff too, in order to get the whole picture. This film needed a prologue where they just straight up give you all that stuff up front. Would make it feel a whole lot more in line with movies 1 & 2 if they did. A Re-rerelease but with that upgrade would be beneficial. Oh well.

So here we are, Wednesday. Clean sheets, showered, house tidied up, and the rain outside is still falling. I have some projects to attend to, but otherwise a chill day is in store. The family is set to return today, in preparation for appointments tomorrow, and a child’s birthday party on the weekend. The house will come alive with noise once more! As much as I enjoy peace & quiet, I do miss the minions when they aren’t here with me. But I had loads to do, and I wasn’t much fun, so better to be with the rest of the family at the cottage to play with cousins, grand parents, aunts & uncles while I was working. Still missed them all terribly though.

So now we are down to the last 10 or 11 days of summer break 2023. Amazing how quickly nine weeks can pass you by. This summer will remain one to remember, not just for the tragedy, but for some other more pleasant memories. First time ever taking the kids to Wonderland! That was pretty awesome. Movies, parks, parties, pig farm, and sadly a funeral. Fireworks, shooting stars, fishing, paddle boarding, wake boarding, tubing, the fun seemingly never ends! The Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree! Finding a new route home! New roads, and books, and things to do & see. A very busy summer. Split by tragedy, right in the middle. Followed by the mad dash to fundraise, and then multiple funerals across southern Ontario. Sadly, at this point I think that will only start to happen more often, as we get closer to fifty years of age.

We are none of us left untouched by tragedy for long. May the long cold fingers of death not touch you until you are ready.

House cleaning…

Dishes, floors, sheets, towels. The list could go on forever if you let it. Just knocking a few items off the list while the girls are all away for a few days. I was pretty busy yesterday, so I put cleaning off until this morning. Oddly enough I thought I would end up sleeping in until 10:00-11:00am, but I was awake by 7:00am, and had sheets in the wash, floors vacuumed, and dishes cleaned, and BBQ back under wraps before eight o’clock.

Last nights dinner was a little disappointing. I bought a fresh steak, of decent quality, left it in marinade for six plus hours, and misjudged my flipp and went too far over medium rare. Gah! My potato done with garlic cloves and olive oil drizzled over top became an over cooked roast potato that stabbed me in the gums on one side of my mouth. Had an M&M peanut that had gone bad, which also stabbed me in between two teeth, and that ended any desire to eat anything else. I did have a rather delicious rye and coke with dinner, which was ice cold, and rather tasty. I’ll stick with an oven pizza today. Skip anything extraneous.

I bought American Prometheous, and am now farther into that than the latest Adrian Tchaikovsky book. I want to go see Oppenheimer,  but my bladder won’t last 3 hours in a theater, it just won’t.  So I’ll watch John Wick four later today. I expect the kids to come home late tomorrow night, so I should watch anything violent, or gun crazy today, just to be sure.

I’m going to need to mop the kitchen floors today too. I washed the counters last night after making myself dinner. I should clean the stove top too while I’m at it. I’m thinking about all of the clothes we need to sort through in September. Bags upon bags, boxes, and bins full of the stuff. I love that we get stuff in for the kids,,but the pipelines gotta include pushing smaller clothing items out too. I need to drag a net through this whole house to get rid of all the broken toys, or the McDonalds plastic junk that accumulates every six months. Not that I want the house to be bare, but it doesn’t need to resemble the early stages of a house from hoarders, or a junk yard. Busted paper craft things litter the ground in the kids rooms. Random drawings, paintings and pictures are strewn everywhere, crumpled, ripped, torn, you name it. Stashed under boxes, inside drawers, used as bedding for stuffed animals. While I applaud their imaginative uses for non standard items, we do have too much of it absolutely everywhere. Ugh. So. Much. Stuff. It’s a lot.

I remember when I got both girls off to school together for the first time. I took three or four garbage bags worth of junk out of the house. Last year was considerably less than that. But I was also busier with work, so that hampered me a little. But I expect a good sized bags worth could once again come out of this house if I took the time to really organize, and triage the messes. That’s a September me problem. Ciao Bella!