I suppose yesterday’s entry should have been called ‘Feast of Crows’, but now we’re at Day 70!

Took it pretty easy this weekend  as far as writing was concerned. Did some paid work on the holiday Monday, but otherwise kept it fairly chill. We did some outdoor skating as a family, which was nice. Had a few family movie dates at home, which were fun. Obviously Encanto made the rounds – yet again. But the kids will watch it and sing along, so we don’t have to entertain them ourselves. Although I will say this, it has become very noticeable how well, and for how long the girls will play together without fighting these days. It’s slowly getting less contentious between them, which I love to see.

So things on the list for today, laundry, vacuum,  mop the floors, dishes (via dishwasher) and maybe sort all the loads and put them away. Will depend on how quiet my ‘work’ day continues to be. Partly why I worked yesterday, so I could clean while the house was empty of other people. So much easier that way. And a general tidy up of the main living space, as the toys migrate out here, and I step on them, and kick them, and trip on them, which makes me furious.

Had enough time to break down a bunch of card board. “Woah-woah” you say, save some excitement for the rest of us. Breaking down card board, cleaning, dude you could drown a toddler in these panties. But nay! I say. I can only stand so much clutter and ‘lived in’ mess before it drives me crazy. So not so much a ploy for sexy time, as it diminishes an anxiety I feel when I look around the house and see messes everywhere. Ugh! But still, we are working our way through the last vestiges of the Christmas present cardboard delivery box horde that I keep finding in closets and cupboards and on shelves. Our house is tiny, and clutter makes it feel even more so. At least in the summer we have the doors and windows open and the house feels less claustrophobic.

I think my next household purchase will be a big Hepa filter unit to gussy up the air quality. We have good filters on the furnace, but still. A dedicated upstairs unit moving the air around seems like a good thing for all of us in this older house. The furnace filters have really been given a boon since our elderly dog passed away. Far less hair in the vents, nor pet dander to screen out. I do feel a rather epic purge coming in April though. For as much stuff as we donate and give away, we seem to get back in kind. Which is awesome, but overwhelming in such a small house. When the price of plywood becomes more reasonable I am going to have to build some serious storage cabinets for the basement, and possibly, living room/dining room. Open concept it great, except if you want to store anything out of view. Then the lack of wall space becomes a liability. Plus sounds travels unencumbered across the entire house with no walls to muffle or dampen it. Nice and bright, but loud AF.

Like I said previously, not much writing done beyond the blog posts. Could change if I catch a thought that takes me some place exciting, or unnerving, or different. Stay tuned.

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