MRI Appointment Day is Finally Here!

Going down to the hospital later this morning for my long awaited MRI. Well I say long, but I think it’s about six months, so not totally terrible. I am fasting for it, which sorta sucks, but I usually don’t eat breakfast until close to nine am, so what’s another two to three hours on top of that. No big deal. Time to get in there and figure out if I do in fact have any, one, or multiple bowel constrictions or obstructions. This scan will dictate how we proceed. Do I get to leave things as is because there aren’t any extra issues above and beyond my current Crohn’s diagnosis, and I just live with things and deal. Or are there obstruction(s), how large are they, where exactly are they, and do they need to be removed. If surgery is the option, can it be done laparoscopically with much smaller incisions, or do they need to properly disembowel me like a velociraptor would, spilling my guts in order to search for the offending bits, and do the removal that way. That, I fear, will entail an extraordinarily long recuperation time, pain, bleeding, stitch or staple removal, antibiotics and infection control over a period of months because I, historically speaking, heal very, very slowly. Ugh. Worst case scenario is they find other ‘things’ that lead to the obstructions and I get referred to a whole different set of specialists. Fingers and toes crossed that that option stays well and truly far the fuck away from me. Please and thank you.

I have the details and directions in hand for how I am to proceed this morning at the hospital. Not going to lie, my guts are churning this morning. That’s not all that unusual, but perhaps the presence of the churning will add some insight to my doctors and care givers about my particular case of Crohn’s Disease. I would love for this to help me, but I’d be good if it added some additional understanding that helped others like myself. I know in my younger years my file was used as a case study at medical conferences, and retreats. So, yay! Indirectly helping and getting published in medical journals. Noice! Toit! Without having to write a single sentence at that.

I took a few minutes earlier today to remove my wedding ring just in case that would interfere with the imaging equipment. Took me longer than the 90 sec I thought it would take to unburden myself of my wedding band. Gaining weight has weird knock on effects. Ha. On that note I have worked out a little every day for twelve days now. That’s a good streak for me anyway. Nothing too crazy. Push ups, squats, various leg raises, and sit ups, jumping Jack’s, and the occasional burpee. All body weight for the time being. I’m going to see if I can keep at it myself before I go and add in a monthly gym membership cost. I start strong and fizzle. So best to see if I can make it a habit before dropping even more money on ‘stuff’. I’m trying to be fiscally responsible here folks!

Have a terrific Thursday February 15th, of 2024. Ciao Bella.