Eighty four things I hate about everything related to hyperbole.

Literally or figuratively? I just don’t know anymore. But all preamble aside, let’s find more time for ado. Poor old ado. Never given the time to play out, always without further. A shame really, that. I’m a big believer in ado. Let’s the moment play out, it does. Gives us all the time required to stop and smell the roses, or check a text, email before getting started. We need to stand up to the ‘No Further Ado’ people and scream, Yes! Ado, give us more – more – MORE!!!

Otherwise it’s a quiet and serene Tuesday in early March of the year 2022. Yesterday the green grass was exposed and today we are blanketed by more wispy white snow. It won’t last though. The sun is getting warmer in the sky, and our average temperatures will exceed zero degrees Celsius on a consistent basis. What we are entering into now is the slush & mud period of Ontario Canada living.

Which also means the clocks will leap forward an hour making our morning awful once again, and our evenings brighter. We really need to choose one side or the other and leave it be. I hate flipping between the two. Not as much now that I no longer commute, but dragging bedraggled kids out of bed in the darkness is no fun. Zero stars. Do not reccomend.

If I recall I managed one or two new short story entries over the last few weeks. I really need to take better notes, so I can keep tabs on all my threads so I can bring it together in a sensical manner. I thought I’d have it done by the end of February, but paid work takes precedence over my hobby time. Not going to lie a part of me wants to just bullet point explain the ending to you all, and myself, rather than write out the necessary chapters remaining. Come to think of it, I have gotten as far as I had plotted in January, so I just might have to. I hope some of you have had fun following along. We only just passed chapter 27, so I hope to wrap up before it balloons out to 50!