Sneaky little linkses breaking while I was away.

When traffic tanks always check the links! Gods be damned Jetpack to LinkedIn coming uncoupled yet again, and the old view counter dips low, low, low, low. Nearly ground to a halt. Only the manual links uploaded to Twitter keep the view counter from building up a layer of dust. The link to Facebook hasn’t worked in a number of years, and I don’t push to YouTube, IG, Threads or any other socials to boost the readership. I probably should but trying to maintain a presence across so many shifting platforms feels like a part time job that I don’t want. You can join the mailer list on WordPress and get my rotten tomatoes delivered to an email address of your choosing. Do that. I implore you!

Here I am, melting in Clearwater during the 91°F heat last week.

Something yesterday brought all the boys to the yard,

And I have no idea what it was, as it’s only listed under archives, and I don’t keep tabs on views for old posts to know what was garnering so much attention. I also don’t know if it was good attention, or bad. My writing can be pretty unflattering at times, though not defamatory, nor inflammatory. Could have been the egg sandwich walk through kicking off again, who knows. I’m ultimately not concerned. Some times I just see a massive spike in daily visits and views, and the rest of the time those numbers are low, low, low, low. Apple bottom Jean’s! Boots with the fur, with the fur!…

Had a productive day yesterday. Hit up the bank to pay my HST, got gas, hit the grocery store for food stuffs, went birthday gift shopping for a party this weekend, sent out some invoices, followed up on some work details, and cut the grass as well. Sent some files off to the appropriate third party, and called it a day. Today is a bit slower, but I did finally get the Christmas lights down off the house. I wanted to do that in April, but we hit a considerable cold spell, and it got windy, and I’m not a fan of being up on a ladder by myself on cold, windy, rainy days. And then I just flat out forgot about it. Was going to do it on the long weekend, but time got away from me. Done now though. Six months until I need to put them back up again. Will have to buy more eaves trough clips, as the sun & cold makes that plastic very brittle after a few months of direct unfettered exposure. Good thing they’re cheap. All boxed up and packed away safely for another year. Or part thereof.

I do need to package up some branding items and send out an invoice today. Otherwise I’m wide open heading into the weekend. This month has whizzed on by huh? Holy schnikes! June, and the last remaining days of school are upon us!

Oh, I also found a moment to watch the Guardians Christmas special. That was an amusing 45 minutes of fun. I did not realize that they had made **SPOILERS** Mantis into Peter’s half sister from Ego’s sexual exploits across the galaxy. Neato! James Gunn always has fun music in his stuff, I liked all the off colour Christmas songs. I will need to add those into the mix this coming holiday season. I get tired of the classics after a brief stint of nostalgia, from hearing them all on repeat again, and again. Over, and over. Some fresh blood in the mix will be a welcome addition I think.

While taking down the lights I also wandered the roof looking for any signs of wind damage, or excess wear & tear. I unclogged one down spout, though now I regret not actively inspecting the other two. Easy enough to do later on with my ladder, but would have been so simple while I was up there to just go look, instead of just examining the shingles. Oh well. Live and learn. That one track mind, singular focus strikes again. And no, in case you are wondering, I don’t enjoy multitasking. It find it a great way to fuck up multiple things at once. Not a fan. Make of that what you will.

On the plus side we are heading into a hot and sunny weekend with the grass already cut, and so I have extra time to enjoy myself outdoors with the kids this weekend. Happy Friday, the last one in May 2023 at that! Ciao Bella.